
Ransomware - Does This Affect Me?

Simplest Answer? YES!

Ransomware infects a device and then denies the person access to their devices or files unless they pay a ransom.


How Does Ransomware Infect Your Device?

Ransomware most commonly infects a device through email or through a browser. When using email, the hacker will circulate an email that includes malicious code in an attachment or a link to a malicious website, hoping the person clicks the link or opens the attachment and then becomes infected. When using a browser, the perpetrator takes advantage of an exploit or a malicious download link, so when the person unwittingly goes to a malicious website or clicks the link on a webpage a malicious download infects the device.

What does “infecting” a device means?

It means all documents in your device will be encrypted. You will not be able to open it unless you have the code which the hackers held for ransom. Minimum $5K.

How much does your business mean to you? How much do your files means to you?

What is my best defense?

  1. Educate yourself and your team about how to handle cyber threats. Get training!
  2. Prevention! Keep your devices up to date – security updates are available as soon as service providers learn about the vulnerabilities. Also, you may have installed it… but did you reboot to complete the install process?
  3. Think business continuity! What do you have in place if this happens? Backup, backup, backup! Have you tested your backup lately? Are you sure it will work JUST when you need it? What if you can’t access any of your document already? Do you have an incident response to follow for your team? Where else can you access those important documents? Who should you call for help?